Public reports now available

If you are following the FlexFunction2Sustain developments in detail, you might be interested in discovering the most recent progress of the project. To take deeper dive into the results and outcomes, you can consult our publicly available deliverables, which can be found in the respective section under Knowledge base page.

FlexFunction2Sustain has been working on preparing the technical facilities of the consortium members for processing of novel bio-based, bio-degradable and/or recyclable plastic and paper based materials that shall replace the state-of-the-art mineral oil based plastic products. General information of the offering is presented in Project handbook and Catalogue of physiochemical and functional characterization services, and more specific information on the upgrades of compounding and formulation facilities is included in deliverable D3.2.

The documents currently available present details on the dissemination activities aimed at creating broad awareness and understanding of the FlexFunction2Sustain OITB services: print promotional materials, project website, report from first cluster initiatives. In addition to that, details on the Helpdesk, a point of contact for FlexFunction2Sustain Open Call applicants, which has been set up prior to opening the Call for Pilot Cases is provided.

To discover the reports in more detail, consult the Project Deliverables section. The section is regularly updated so keep an eye on it!