Partner OITB

OITBs for nano-enabled surfaces and membranes
NextGenMicrofluidics : Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes
INNOMEM : Open Innovation test bed for nano-enabled membranes
NewSkin : Innovation eco-system to accelerate the industrial uptake of advanced surface nano-technologies
OITBs for bio-based nano-materials and solutions
BIOMAC : European sustainable biobased nanomaterials community
BIOMAT : An open innovation test bed for nano-enabled bio-based PUR foams and composites
BIONANOPOLYS : Open innovation test bed for developing safe nano-enabled bio-based materials and polymer bionanocomposites for multifunctional and new advanced applications
INN-PRESSME : Open innovation ecosystem for sustainable plant-based nano-enabled biomaterials deployment for packaging, transport and consumer goods
OITBs for characterisation
i-TRIBOMAT : Intelligent open test bed for materials tribological characterisation services
TEESMAT : Open innovation test bed for electrochemical energy storage materials
FormPlanet : Sheet metal forming testing hub
OITBs for safety testing of medical technologies for health
Safe-N-Medtech : Safety testing in the life cycle of nanotechnology- enabled medichal technologies for health
MDOT : Medical device obligations taskforce
TBMED : A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices
OITBs for lightweight, nano-enabled multifunctional composite materials and components
LEE-BED : Innovation test bed for development and production of nanomaterials for lightweight embedded electronics
LightCoce : Building an ecosystem for the up-scaling of lightweight multi-functional concrete and ceramic materials and structures
LightMe : An open innovation ecosystem for upscaling production processes of lightweight metal alloys composites
OASIS : Open access single entry point for scale-up of Innovative smart lightweight composite materials and components
OITBs for functional materials for building envelopes
iclimabuilt : Functional and advanced insulating and energy harvesting/storage materials across climate adaptive building envelopes
METABUILDING LABS : METAclustered, SME oriented European Open Innovation Test Bed for the BUILDING envelope materials industrial sector using a harmonised and upgraded technical framework and living LABS
MEZeroE : Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy Buildings