IDOLES Pilot Case introduction

Read the short story of the IDOLES Pilot Case lead by Infrascreen that was selected through the FlexFunction2Sustain Open Call working on the improvement of durability by optimizing low energy surface.

Today, transparent curtains are used in greenhouses to save heat during winter. These curtains act as a transparent insulation layer reducing heat loss by convection. Infrascreen is developing an innovative curtain that saves an extra 15-20% of heat. For growers that means direct costs savings and CO2 emissions reduction, because most use natural gas to heat their greenhouses. Our solution has an environmental impact of ~120 tons of CO2 emissions saved per 10’000 m2 of greenhouse each year. For our project with FlexFunction2Sustain, we want to evaluate different protections. We will need to (1) understand the interface between the protection and the film (2) assess the stability in time of the protection (with regards to humidity, UV and chemicals used for plant protection) and (3) explore relevant blocking and other third-party IP and freedom to operate for the protection.

In order to execute this Pilot Case, Infrascreen is using the combined services of FlexFunction2Sustain consortium partners Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP, Joanneum Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Sonnenberg Harrison Partnerschaft:

  • Corrosion protection coatings on sheets;
  • Surface and layer characterization;
  • Review of the final product specifications of corrosion protection coatings and methods of manufacture of these coatings, including structuring. Identification of relevant granted patents and pending patent applications with focus on Europe.

Further details on IDOLES Pilot Case development will follow. We promise to keep you posted on the progress!
