FlexFunction2Sustain at Plastic Recycling Conference, 16 June 2022, Lyon, France

On June 16, 2022, the Plastic Recycling conference took place in Lyon, France. During the event, our consortium partner IPC took the opportunity to disseminate the FlexFunction2Sustain project and promote the open call.

Faced with the global problem of plastic waste management, the industrial and academic communities are mobilizing to design solutions for the regeneration of materials and their integration into a circular economy. The competitiveness clusters POLYMERIS and AXELERA federated many innovative actors on this theme and initiated a structured collaboration to promote synergies between waste management actors, chemists and plastics manufacturers.

The conference was organized in several strong times:

  • The presentation of the map of the members of the clusters involved in the plastic recycling sector
  • Presentations highlighting innovation projects and technologies
  • Meeting moments between actors of the whole plastic recycling value chain

More about the event is available on their website: https://www.polymeris.fr/datebook/plastic-recycling-conference.html