European Cutting-edge Technology From a One-stop Shop

Through the TechBlick platform, our consortium partner Joanneum Research is promoting the R2R UV-NIL facility as well as the related EU projects, including Flexfunction2Sustain.

In FlexFunction2Sustain, Joanneum Research Materials is formulating several bio-based UV-Nanoimprint lithography (UV-NIL) resins and performs process development for the manufacturing of nano-structured optically variable films on virgin PET, recycled PET and cellulose based substrates. The resins and films are currently under investigation concerning their recyclability and compostability. The Roll-to-roll UV-NIL pilotline will be upgraded with the implementation of quality control units, feedback loop for automation and process parameter control as well as tracking. Through the project, surface structure and cross-section characterization including large area 3D confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy is provided to potential customers participating to the FlexFunction2Sustain Open Calls.

Read the Press release “European Cutting-edge Technology From a One-stop Shop” for the TechBlick platform HERE.