Results from the 1st Open Call cut-off
In September 2021, the FlexFunction2Sustain launched an Open Call for Pilot Case projects. The first round of evaluations resulted in four companies which were successfully selected:
- Infrascreen (Switzerland)
- Leygatech (France)
- HPX Polymers (Germany)
- Cartiera Rivignano (Italy)
The winners will receive subsidized access to the FlexFunction2Sustain OITB which will support and accelerate the development of novel products and technologies for smart and sustainable plastics and paper solutions. The selected projects will tackle the plastic pollution challenges by developing sustainable and flexible packaging and plastic films for agriculture. Agreements between the companies and FlexFunction2Sustain partners are ongoing, and the cases are expected to start during May/June.
The FlexFunction2Sustain Open Call is targeted to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) & start-ups which wants to develop and test novel nano-functionalised plastic and paper membrane and surfaces. The next cut-off dates for application are: 29th of July 2022, and 27th of January 2023. Applicants can apply anytime during this period. Any submitted proposal will be evaluated in the nearest cut-off dates.
Stay tuned to learn more about the development of the Pilot Cases projects!