FlexFunction2Sustain partners convene for M48 consortium meeting

On March 21st, partners of the FlexFunction2Sustain project gathered for a consortium meeting, marking the 4th year of dedicated project implementation. Despite the virtual format, participants engaged deeply in discussions, focusing on ongoing activities driving towards sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed initiatives.

Key achievements highlighted during the meeting include:

  • Successful establishment of a strategic partnership between ESNA (European Sustainable Nanotechnology solutions Association) and KETMarket GmbH as a Sales Representative.
  • Completion of demonstrators showcasing project innovations.
  • Selection of initial Pilot Cases through an Open Call process.
  • Development of a comprehensive service catalogue.
  • Organization of training courses covering pitching, business development, and trade secrets.

With only four months remaining until the project’s conclusion, the team is confident that their diligent efforts will lead to a successful conclusion of the FlexFunction2Sustain initiative, solidifying it as a notable success story.

The partners expressed heartfelt gratitude to all participants, with special acknowledgment of the unwavering support of Project Adviser Susana XARÁ from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). They eagerly anticipate the final stretch of this journey towards sustainable innovation.
