The final agenda of the OITB virtual workshop on May 4th, 2021 is now ready!
The final agenda of the virtual workshop:“Open Innovation Test Beds as a service to the Industry” planned for 4th May 2021, 14:00 – 17:30 CEST, is now available!
- 5 representative companies (SONAE, RCL – Resonant Circuits Ltd, Stryker, iLof, i3 Membrane) will share their expectations to an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB).
- 12 OITBs will share their experience, expectations and new ideas to bring nanotechnologies and advanced materials within the reach of companies and users. Speakers from Safe-n-Medtech, MDOT, TBMED, NewSkin, FlexFunction2Sustain, NextGenMicrofluidics, OASIS, LEE-BED, LightMe, FormPlanet, TEESMAT, i- TRIBOMAT will take part in the OITBs pitch session.
Download the complete Agenda here.
Participation is free of charge! Please register through the EuroNanoForum Website: