Section “Excellence”

a. What the challenge to overcome?

b. What is your proposed solution?

c. What is your goal, what are your SMART objectives ?

d. Self assessment of TRL 1-9 (Technology readiness level)

e. Self assessment MRL 1-10 (Manufacturing readiness level)

Section “Business perspective”

a. What is your business model (3 sentences!)?

b. What is the value proposition of your solution for whom? (max. 3 sentences).

c. Do you have a business plan (if yes, please provide)?

d. Self assessment of your IRL 1-11 (Investment Readiness Level)?

e. What are you looking for (define your needs: e.g. finances, production resources, access to networks,..)?
(explanation: each of the different needs addresses a different group of investors)

Section “Other”

a. What question did we forget to ask?

b. What are your additional expectations?

IRL / TRL / MRL definitions
In case they have difficulties in assessing your TRL / MRL / IRL, feel free to contact us.

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